Monday, March 31, 2014

Girls' Eighth Grade Buddy Scavenger Hunt

The fifth grade girls were excited to travel around the school with their big buddies finding clues for their scavenger hunt!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cultural Country Projects

Along with researching and writing about their country for the Cultural Country Project, the fifth graders have been able to draw pictures of animals, food, sports, important people and the flag that represent their country. They are becoming experts on the countries they have selected! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

5th Grade Walks for Water

After reading A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park, the 5th grade decided to raise money in order to build a well in South Sudan. In order to accomplish this, we set up our own "Walk for Water." Over Thanksgiving break, students went out and got pledges to sponsor them per mile. Today, using the Johns Hopkins' track, students, teachers and parents walked for 2 hours, most people walking/running between 5-12 miles! It was an incredible day and we celebrated with hot chocolate and snacks afterwards!

$5,000 builds one well in South Sudan. As of today, the 5th grade raised over $7,000 and we still have one week of fundraising left!! We are very excited and very grateful to all those who participated!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Some advisories were able to travel to Real Food Farms, one of our partner community outreach organizations.  It was a really neat experience for our students! We were able to plant in the greenhouses and learn about how Real Food Farms helps the Baltimore community.